grains of sand

“Aztec Island?” “No,” Ruth answered, “Assateague.”  “There are wild horses there.” she informed me. On a gray, drizzly Friday, Ruth and I were discussing how to spend our day off. A visit to an unknown island sounded promising, especially one populated by wild horses. We checked the...

Last month two seminarians from Virginia Episcopal Seminary made a special journey from Alexandria VA to Wilmington DE. The reason? To attend a service of the Holy Eucharist at Christ Church Christiana Hundred in Wilmington. It turns out the Diocese of Virginia had forbidden all...

Christians have traditionally been held to a higher standard than other folk, and with good reason. The world has need for the authentic witness of practicing Christians who, by their words and actions, foster unity and encourage reconciliation. This need for Christian witness is today needed...

Earlier this month Hurricane Isaias swept through Bethany Beach. I remember being awakened early on Tuesday morning by a loud sequence of horn blasts which appeared to be emanating from my iphone; the accompanying message advised me to go to the basement (sadly, there is...