Join us on Sundays in the Narthex between services for engaging discussions and fellowship. Our Sunday Book Study is a wonderful opportunity to connect with fellow parishioners and dive deeper into thoughtful readings together. This beloved tradition is well-attended and enjoyed by many, and we...
Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 10 am. This service includes music. Our choir performs year long except for the month of January.
Mondays at 9:30 am in the parish hall. $10 drop in. Bring your own mat, blanket, block & strap suggested but some will be available. Yoga provides many benefits to our health and well being. Join in this practice of time-honored yoga poses to improve...
Join Deacon Chris on Mondays during Lent from 11:30 am to 1:45 pm for a short film, discussion, and a shared potluck lunch as we explore the Passion of Jesus together. This is a wonderful way to begin Lent with fresh perspectives and meaningful conversation...
Qigong is a mindful movement practice that helps us to calm our minds, balance our emotions, and feel more energized. These gentle movements can be done seated or standing and is accessible to everyone. Bring a yoga mat to stand on and some water. Many...
Bible study takes places weekly on Tuesday at 1 pm in the parish hall. Format consists of prayer, reflection and faith sharing based on some part or parts of the New Testament. All are welcome to attend.
During Lent, join Michele and Kraig Hannum for Centering Prayer on Tuesdays from 5:00 to 5:30 pm in the Church. All are invited to take advantage of this peaceful time for quiet reflection and spiritual renewal.
The Men’s Discipleship Group is a gathering of men supporting each other on their spiritual journey. We read and discuss Scripture and pray together. We gather at 8am and end promptly at 9. Bring your own coffee! Refer questions to Dale Smith 908.209.9113 (cell)
Join us for Morning Prayer on Wednesdays from 9:15 to 10:00 am, led by Mimi Dupont, Elaine Smith, or Dave Moore. This is a wonderful opportunity for prayer, reflection, and spiritual connection during Lent.
Lenten Prayer, Soup & Salad Series This Lent, we invite you to join the Lenten Prayer, Soup & Salad series, sponsored by the Southeast Sussex Ministerium. Come together each Wednesday at 12:00 pm at various local churches for a time of prayer, reflection, and fellowship....
The Seashell Ringers Bell Choir practices every Wednesday at 1:00 pm. New members are always welcome. Contact our Music Director, Dave Kemper for more information.
Join us on March 12th at 3 PM for a special opportunity to hear parishioner Babs Lutton share her and her husband's life-changing experiences as missionaries in Kenya. Through a 20-minute video and personal stories, Babs will offer insight into their time serving at an...
The Finance Committee meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 4 pm via Zoom.
AA District 13 meets the second Wednesday of each month from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall.
Discover the ancient practice of Qigong with weekly classes on Thursdays, at 9:30 am in the parish hall. Led by Rev. Ria Pretti, these classes are open to everyone and no prior experience is necessary! What is Qigong? Qigong is a holistic system of coordinated...
The Hospitality Committee meets the 2nd Thursday of every month at 2 pm in the parish hall. This committee plans all the fun events that take place throughout the year. New members are always welcome. Being a part of this committee is a great way...
Join us for Game Night on Thursday, March 13th, at 5:30 pm! We'll kick off the evening with soups and sandwiches, followed by a variety of games. This is a popular event filled with fun and fellowship—everyone is welcome! Sign-up sheets are available in the...
Meets weekly on Fridays at 5:00 pm in the Parish Hall. Please contact Christy, for more information.
Chemically Dependent Anonymous meets every Friday at 7 pm in the parish hall. Any questions, please contact Jerry.