We celebrate our faith Sunday mornings at 8 and 10 am (with music). Services usually last about an hour. We offer a livestream of the 10 am service on Youtube as well.
St. Martha’s is a pretty casual beach church. Some attend in their Sunday best, some in jeans, some in shorts during the warm seasons. One of us wears sandals year round. But please do cover your bathing suit.
Where to Park
St. Martha’s has some parking on the property. You can also park (legally) on the street year-round. But from May 15 through September 15 when the parking meters are in effect, you can park without charge in the immediate vicinity of the church as long as you move your car by noon.
Once You’re Here
Choose a Seat! St. Martha’s is a welcoming place with lofty post and beam ceilings, warm hardwood floors, and smiling faces. We’re casual, too. So pick any seat and settle in.
We don’t have many, but we cherish children. So welcome! Activity packs are located at the sanctuary entrance, and a child-friendly space is available adjacent to the parish hall if you and your child want to leave the sanctuary for a bit. Children’s noises and activities in church might worry you as parents, but we’re fine with that. Little ones make us smile.
Service Booklets
St. Martha’s uses service booklets rather than the hard copy Episcopal Book of Common Prayer, so you can just follow along. Feel free to ask anyone if you have a question. The service booklet, lessons and announcements will be in your seat when you arrive.
Standing and Sitting
You’ll notice people standing, sitting, and occasionally kneeling at various times during the service. The service booklet will guide you. But be assured there is no wrong way to do it!
Prayers for Special Intentions
The time for this is noted in the service booklet. Come forward when the priest indicates if you’d like to ask privately for communal prayer.
Whether you call it The Lord’s Supper or Eucharist or Holy Communion, you are welcome at our Table. The Episcopal Church welcomes all of God’s people to receive Communion, including children. The ushers will direct you to the altar for Communion. If you are unable to go to the altar, tell an usher who will arrange for Communion to be brought to you in your seat. If you need a gluten-free wafer, please let an usher know before the service begins.
Birthdays and Anniversaries
We celebrate these milestones during the announcements. Come forward if you’d like a blessing.
These are located through the back doors of the sanctuary and also off the hallway between the sanctuary and the parish hall.
Coffee Hour
Please stay for coffee and refreshments after the service. Just head for the Parish Hall after the final Alleluia.