Our mission and vision has three elements:
St. Martha’s is a Christ-centered church alive in the spirit of God’s love. We joyfully serve our community through ministries of caring, sharing and learning.
Vision Narrative – A Possible Future
St. Martha’s Episcopal Church is first and foremost a church, a place of vibrant spiritual growth, where God is worshipped in song, word, and sacrament and where deep and lasting friendships are formed. Worship offerings vary from the Meditation Service on Saturday afternoon, to the early Sunday service that features a trumpet solo, to the later Sunday service with a full choir and musical guest. There are thought-provoking sermons applicable to daily life. Music is an integral part of worship at St. Martha’s and is not confined to Sunday. A variety of concerts and other musical events that appeal to all ages are conducted throughout the year and are enthusiastically embraced by the entire community.
At St. Martha’s it is not unusual to find as many parishioners at church on a weekday as on a Sunday – and Sundays are crowded. St. Martha’s has earned its reputation as the “go-to” church to address community issues by being a guiding light – a beacon – for our community and by enthusiastically supporting the Southeast Sussex Ministerium. St. Martha’s employs the skills of our mostly retired congregation, who are eager to use their time and talent to fulfill the church’s mission, by encouraging and empowering members who have great ideas to get things going. The momentum is sustained by building on small groups who share passion for a ministry, and who invite new arrivals to join them.
Lifelong learning is a defining issue for St. Martha’s. It is hard to say whether our educational programs have grown as the parish grew – or whether the parish grew as our educational programs developed. St. Martha’s warmly welcomes all people to attend our lectures and short courses.
St. Martha’s is a community where people love and care for each other. This is our preferred community where we embrace opportunities to share our journeys of faith, where we choose to devote our energies, where we seek friends and socialize, where we offer to give of ourselves. St. Martha’s is a village where each of us is there for every other, unconditionally, and where no one need ever be alone, or lonely.
St. Martha’s uses that same attitude to bring witness to the story of Christ throughout Sussex County not just by dispensing fish but also by teaching people to fish. We have challenged charitable orthodoxy by not “giving” toys at Christmas but rather by helping parents choose and “buy” gifts for their children – a gift to both parent and child. St. Martha’s provides support to groups directly involved in the daily lives of those who struggle to overcome the legal and financial difficulties faced by so many families. We also welcome all who come through our doors and support people of all races, sexual orientations, and faith backgrounds to find their place in the church.
St. Martha’s will be:
a vibrant church that praises God with joyful worship;
seeks understanding through faith, study, and relationships;
and serves our community with talent, treasure and heart.